Megane's pictures from A-Kon 12
Friday (06/01)

Obligatory ambience

The "grassy knoll" (between the hotels)

Otaku crossing zone

Samurai 'n' goths 'n' fanboys oh my!

The Sheraton

Noin from Gundam Wing

Anime Heretics first in line for opening ceremonies (Karsten and Throkda in the middle)

Xellos #1 - there were at least three Xelloses (Xellosen?) at the con

Xellos #2 - there seemed to be some kind of RPG quest thingy going on here

Xellos #2 again

Lina, Gourry, and Zelgadis (that's when I figured out it was an RPG quest thingy)

Chris Solis

Someone with a DHOS hammer

Dance Dance Addiction

A PS2 demo was in net/console gaming room

Dejiko and "pocky here" sign on door behind her

Spike, Faye, Jet

Jet, Faye, Spike walking away

Chuck Keene (Anime Heretics)

Blue China dresses

Utena (sorry about the red-eye)

Curses, foiled again! (Guts from Berserk)

Ron Smith (right) and someone I don't know

Philippe and Holly
Saturday (06/02)

DHOS table

Eddie "I am not Meatloaf" Perkins

Xellos #1 again (I think)

Xellos #3 (Yahoo Xellios?)

Slayers group (note "justice" t-shirt!)

Guests from Japan (Kotobuki Tsukasa at upper left)

Dejiko and Skuld

Skuld and Dejiko (rear view)

Fred "Ox King" Ortiz and someone I don't know

Vash and... Father Time? Slartibartfast?

Vivi from Final Fantasy (note wearer's head is in middle of hat!)

Trombone from Violinist of Hamelin

Digimon and hat guy #2 (note lighted eyes)

cosplay - Kamidake - nice costume, but definitely unwieldy (they had to send him in from the back of the room)

cosplay - Kamidake, bottom half (PVC pipe: the mechanical costumer's friend)

cosplay - Kamidake, middle view (note open view hole showing chicken wire)

cosplay - Kamidake peeking through hole (peek-a-boo!)

cosplay - random senshi-tachi (Starfighter, Tuxedo, Jupiter, Neptune)

cosplay - interviewing Kamidake

Bulletin board in Westin: "The Year of Fanboy Fitness"
Sunday (06/03)

You can't see it in this shot but...

...check out the hair

Autograph line for guests from Japan

Guests from Japan signing autographs

Comic book panel?

dead-dog panel - table right early

dead-dog panel - table left early

dead-dog panel - Meri with Texas flags in hair

dead-dog panel - table right

dead-dog panel - table center

dead-dog panel - table left

dead-dog panel - Meri with death axe

dead-dog panel - during dead-dog panel

dead-dog panel - Looking for Loot in all the wrong places

dead-dog panel - Oh, that's JUST WRONG!